
时间:2023-09-18 14:06:03   热度:37.1℃   作者:网络




Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age, yet incidence and prevalence rates are poorly defined and vary widely. In a population-based US study, we estimated PCOS incidence and prevalence over time, and by age and race.


Materials and Methods


A retrospective cohort study of patients enrolled in Kaiser Permanente Washington in 2006-2019 was conducted. All members identified as female, aged 16-40 years with at least 3 years enrollment and at least one healthcare encounter during that time were eligible for inclusion. Individuals were excluded if they had a history of oophorectomy or hysterectomy. PCOS cases were identified using International Classification of Diseases (ICD) diagnosis codes (ICD-9 256.4 or ICD-10 E28.2). Those with a PCOS diagnosis prior to study entry were excluded from incidence rate estimation. Incidence rates were age-adjusted by direct standardization to the 2010 US census data. Secular trends in incidence overall, by age and by race were assessed using Poisson regression. Prevalent cases were defined as patients with a PCOS diagnosis anytime in or prior to 2019. Chart review was performed to validate incident cases identified by ICD codes using Rotterdam 2003 criteria.

对2006-2019年在华盛顿凯撒医疗机构登记的患者进行回顾性队列研究。纳入标准:女性,年龄16-40岁,时间至少3年,在此期间至少经历一次医疗保健,均有纳入资格。有卵巢切除术或子宫切除术病史的患者将被排除在外。PCOS病例识别采用国际疾病分类(ICD)诊断代码(ICD-9 256.4或ICD10 E28.2)。那些在研究开始前被诊断为PCOS的患者被排除在发病率估计之外。根据2010年美国人口普查数据对发病率进行年龄标化。使用 Poisson回归评估年龄和种族整体的长期发病率趋势。患病病例定义为2019年或之前任何时候诊断为PCOS的患者。采用2003年鹿特丹标准进行图表审查,以验证ICD代码识别的病例。



Among 351,171 eligible patients who contributed 586,470 person-years, 2,491 incident PCOS cases were identified. Mean age at diagnosis was 26.9 (SD 6.8) years and mean BMI was 34.8 (SD 9.1) kg/m2. Overall incidence rates were similar over time between 40.3 and 50.5 per 10,000 person-years. However, diagnosis rates increased over time in individuals ages 16-20 years from 31.0 to 51.9 per 10,000 person-years (p=0.01) and decreased among those ages 26-30 years from 82.8 to 45.0 per 10,000 person-years (p=0.02). Compared to other race groups, Hispanic individuals appeared to have higher PCOS incidence rates but the differences were not statistically significant. A small decreasing temporal trend in incidence rates was only observed among White individuals (p=0.01). Among the 58,241 patients who contributed person-time in 2019, 3,036 (5.2%) had a PCOS ICD diagnosis code. Chart review of 700 incident cases diagnosed in 2011-2019 classified 60% as probable or definite incident, 14% as possible incident and 17% as prevalent PCOS.

在586470人中有351171例患者中符合条件,2491例PCOS病例。诊断时的平均年龄为26.9±6.8岁,平均BMI为34.8±9.1kg/m2 。不同年份PCOS总体发病率相似,为40.3-50.5/10000。然而,16-20岁个体的诊断率从每31.0/10000上升到51.9/10000(p=0.01),而26-30岁个体的诊断率从82.8/10000下降到45.0/10000(p=0.02)。与其他种族组相比,西班牙裔个体似乎有更高的PCOS发病率,但差异没有统计学意义。仅在白人个体中观察到发病率有小幅下降趋势(p=0.01)。在2019年的58241例患者中,根据ICD编码识别3036例(5.2%)PCOS患者。对2011-2019年诊断的700例发病患者进行的图表回顾将60%归类为较大可能或确定的发病,14%归类为可能发病,17%归类为患有PCOS。



Among a cohort of non-selected women in the US, not relying on patient self-report, we observed fairly constant rates of incident PCOS diagnoses over time (although estimates were conflated by prevalent cases). PCOS prevalence (5.2%) based on ICD codes was higher than prior published US nation-wide estimates (2.9%) [1]. Incident diagnoses increased through time in younger age groups and decreased in older age groups. Race did not appear to have a major impact on temporal rates.


Impact Statement


In recent years, PCOS diagnosis rates have increased among younger individuals. This may be related to shifting practice patterns with greater awareness among practitioners of the impact of PCOS on long term health outcomes or improved prevention efforts. Increasing obesity rates may also be a factor driving the earlier ages at diagnosis.



PREVALENCE, INCIDENCE AND TRENDS IN POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME (PCOS) DIAGNOSISYu, Onchee et al.Fertility and Sterility, Volume 118, Issue 4, e192

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