
时间:2019-11-07 18:56:08   热度:37.1℃   作者:网络

原标题:“失踪”印度富二代被发现躲酒店刷盘子: 想证明自己


Dwarkesh Thakkar(中) 图 via timesofindia

19岁的Dwarkesh Thakkar是帕德拉石油大亨的儿子。10月中旬,因为不满意自己的大学,不喜欢自己的专业,又想要证明自己能不靠家人独立生活,他瞒着家人离开了。

Dwarkesh Thakkar, a student of an engineering college of Vasad, had left home on October 14 saying he was going to college. However, he did not like his college, nor studies. So, instead of Vasad, he headed to the Vadodara railway station from where he boarded a train to Delhi and disappeared.

Dwarkesh Thakkar是瓦萨德一所工程学院的学生。10月14日他说他要去学校了。然而,他不喜欢他的大学,也不喜欢所学专业。所以,他并没有前往瓦萨德,而是去了瓦多达拉火车站,上了一辆开往德里的火车,就此消失了。

▲ Millionaire’s missing son found washing vessels in Shimla hotel (via timesofindia)

图 via sandesh.com


“The boy had left his mobile phone at home. All we had to hunt for him were CCTV camera footage of Vadodara railway station and an auto-rickshaw driver’s statement who had dropped him at Akshar Chowk in Vadodara city,” said a police officer.

一名警官说:“这孩子把手机留在家里了。我们的线索只有瓦多达拉火车站的监控,以及瓦多达拉市一位载过他的司机的证词,他在Akshar Chowk下了车。”

▲ Millionaire’s missing son found washing vessels in Shimla hotel (via timesofindia)


On Monday, Dwarkesh went to a hotel in Shimla, asking for a job. The manager of the upscale hotel could make out that something was amiss. The teenager had allegedly told the hotel manager that he had been working at local eateries. He took the teen's ID card which said that he was from Padra, Gujarat. The manager searched for the contact number of the Padra police on a search engine and called them.


The manager sent a photograph of the Dwarkesh's ID card to the police. On receiving the photograph, the Padra police confirmed that it belonged to the missing teenager.


▲ Riches to rags! Gujarat oil trader’s missing son found sleeping on roadside in Shimla (via timesnownews)

图 via timesofindia


“The hotel manager told us that the boy confided that he had been working at highway eateries and kiosks and survived on whatever food he got. So we contacted all such small eateries and local taxi drivers and shared the boy’s photos along with our numbers,” said Gohil.


▲ Millionaire’s missing son found washing vessels in Shimla hotel (via timesofindia)




The family value has been imbibed on boy's thoughts. Hence he did not attempt to take away any money from home and lead a luxurious life at least for some time. Appreciate his attitude in approaching hotels for any suitable job and lead a honest life.


The youngster has a good future. He values hard work and also has not given up in spite of the hurdles even for the basic needs like food and shelter. That mental makeup is hard to find


Some good qualities his parents made him. 1.not to follow a criminal path. 2.survive on your hard work and not parent's money. 3. A never defeat attitude. (of course it was a short period)



I would like to request parents, do not pressure too much to your children what they cant bear. Its not necessary a Doctor son can be mandatory to be Doctor only, or Engineer son to be Engineer. They might have different interest or they can do bigger than parents expectations.


Many in India still believe that Engineering and Medicine are the only two professions worth pursuing, Only those who cannot do either, follow other professions. This thinking has lead to many sad cases where students have ended up committing suicide. Parents must not try to fulfill their ambitions through their children. Let them follow their passions.




资料:timesofindia, timesnownews


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